Saturday 17 July 2021

Dinosaur land

The Isle of Wight is big on dinosaurs, seemingly one of our best sites for their fossils. To the point where the tourist people are keen to promote the Cretaceous Coast, as a rival to the Jurassic Coast on the big island. To the point where there is already a dinosaur attraction at Yaverland, at the eastern end of the massive fold running east to west across the island. An attraction which we have visited and enjoyed in the past, probably more than ten years ago now, as noticed at reference 1. Unfortunately, the website for the place itself does not seem to be working at reference 3, but there is something at reference 2.

The reason for all this being an item in the County Press, the voice of the island, about how the attraction is going into partnership with Dinosaurier-Park International. It seems that holidaymakers are getting a bit picky about their attractions and this one needs the muscle of a bigger operation to stay afloat, with the plan seeming to be a dinosaur theme park run by Dinosauria-Park, twinned with a museum and research operation run by a purpose built charity. One Dr Jeremy Lockwood is in the chair in the charity corner.

Haven't worked through the Dinosauria-Park websites, but references 4, 5 and 6 might be particular parks, while reference 7 might be something closer to a corporate website. I suppose it shows my age that I regret the passing of the days when one could run a small but decent museum without having to have recourse to Disneyland and his friends. I associate to the obscure museums of natural history and the like of my childhood, then to be found in Pembroke Street, Cambridge, full of brown wood and glass cases. I think they are still there, but they are not the same any more.

Let's hope that not too large a chunk of the presently quiet marshes behind Yaverland beach gets taken over.

PS: Yaverland being the blue blob, middle right in the geological map above - on which the massive fold is clearly visible. There is even a smear of coal in it.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Not working at the time of writing.

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Reference 7: What I think is the corporate site of what appears, in part at least, to be a franchising operation.

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